A week had past and she was sitting in her room, looking out of the window where the city was laying under a cold white blanket as icing over a clashing birthday bashing cake. Color in the city was mute and she knew it would lead her to find the next on her list, the fashion clash sophisticate, the loud screaming color collaborations must be easy to find now that the winter months where keeping Manhattan in its hold with gray and black matter in cold blur.
Slowly she started pursuing her paste, her heels clicking maniacally against the dark street, the jewelry clinked on her wrist, shattering the monotone rhythm of the neoprene Hardy’s.
The list still scrunched in her hand. The freezing cold crystallizing the street. Dark shattered reflections. The mirroring glare of the puddles turned to ice gave her bleak face a ghostly expression.
And there it was, sharp shrieks of red running through the frozen liquids on the street. A black puddle of Christians Louboutin’s. As envisioned for pursued the Louboutin’s are by far most exiting to follow, the sleek red of the heel seduces toward a passionate end. Like a black cat, smoothly following the silhouettes of the night, with its passionate red tail not knowing its truly red dead.
Crossing the corner at Prince street and turning a sharp right for a second she thought she lost the cat, but a lingering thread of red stood out against the grayness of the blurred street. Coming in closer now, she could almost feel the warmth coming out of this furred silhouette. And while the streets where whispering in silence, a reflection of selfish lacquered red broke the Polaroid Perfection on pantos shaped acetate.
Sunday, January 11th, 9:05PM on the corner of Elizabeth and Houston stood a girl, with the Kenzo oversized woven tote in her left hand she would stand against the wind in this hazy evening, the blurred street with its delayed motionless karma would silently reflect on her 40s spirit acetate pantos shaped Chanel glasses while she would absorb her surrounding with savagely anguish.
The big knitted scarf would fill up her heavy coat with flashes of its prussian blue yarn while the rips of her Rad hourani t-shirt would stick out every now and then, The sounds of her overly over-layered jewelry would fill the streets while the clicking of her leather and neoprene peep-toe Pierre Hardy sling-backs would shape the streets with a rhythm of new found eclecticism. Her Superfine Jude panal jean ripped against the height of the heels.
The big glasses covering her winged eyes stood out sharp against the short somewhat disheveled side-parted hair. Her bleak skin was as motionless as the street. She was worried, she was very worried.
Her hand reached once again in her pocket. It was still there, the list was still there.